Activate your students

Activate your students

Are you in need of inspiration regarding how to activate your students? CDUL has developed this page about how to activate your students during classes. Activating your students during your classes means that your students participate in activities other than listening. When your students are learning though activity, it makes them more involved in their own learning process. The activation can occur in many different forms and academic levels, depending on how you choose to activate them.
For example, the students can be activated by using asynchronous interactions with one another or the educator in connection with their preparations, in class or in their project work. The essence of this is that the students are doing more than simply listening to gain knowledge: they might read, write, discuss while working with a problem. In this instance, Learning Technologies play a big part in the activation process, and may act as an aid for you as an educator.
The students may be activated through the use of various Learning Technologies like Moodle, Whiteboard or Forms. When students are activated during the teaching process, with help from the Learning Technologies, we at CDUL call it digital study activities. Many believe that digital study activities are only applicable when teaching or doing work online, but this is not the case. Digital study activities are effective regardless of whether the students are meeting online or physically at campus.
If you want to plan study activities and use Learning Technologies to do so, you can read about some of the considerations you as an educator should have regarding this below.