

Panopto is a video platform not unlike Youtube. You can upload and share sound- and video files here. Panopto has a build-in recording programme, which makes it possible to produce screen- and video recordings, live stream, and administrate and share the produced videos in Moodle.
Panopto can be utilized to your advantage, if you want to work with flipped learning. The program provides you with the opportunity to record the lectures that are heavy with theory and upload these. Afterwards you can link to these recordings in Moodle. This provides the students with the oppertunity to watch the lecture at home and therefore your in-class time with the students can now be devoted to discussions and to challenge the students´ comprehension of the theories. Thus, Panopto supports the didactical and pedagogical choices you have made for your course.
Alternatively, you can activate your students by giving them the possibility to hand in a video essay as opposed to a written essay. The students have the same access to Panopto, and can hand in clips and videos instead of a written file. The videos which the students produce provide the students with a new challenge and is engageing in a different manner than a written assignment would be. CDUL has developed an activity for the students about video production. You can find it here.
You can gain access to Panopto here. You must use your AAU-login to log in.
Panopto is used at Aalborg University with a Data Processing Agreement. This means that you can safely use Panopto in learning situations.