Online exam

General advice for the conduction of online exams
CDUL has collected 7 pieces of advice for you who will be facilitating an online exam for the first time, or for you if you want to improve the experience.
- Use and trust your experiences from online supervision and perhaps classes you have held online.
- Create a well-known and calm environment for the examinee’s.
- Use the same routines with your examinees that you would in online supervision and online teaching.
- Conduct a test exam with coworkers. This way you can feel well versed in the digital platform.
- Think about the guidelines the study board has set for the exam and ask them for help if questions arise.
- You can use study services help and guidance for online exam
- If in need of IT support, we direct you to the IT-services. They can be contacted on the phone number +45 99 40 20 20 or