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The synergy between project work and the course

On this site you can find inspiration and guidance concerning various digital study activities you may use in your teachings to create synergy between the course and project.

The synergy between project work and the course

On this site you can find inspiration and guidance concerning various digital study activities you may use in your teachings to create synergy between the course and project.

As an educator it can be difficult to find inspiration concerning how to create synergy between the course and project work. The way of teaching at Aalborg University has a basis in the academic practice of PBL, where the problem is an integral part of the students learning process. To further this way of teaching, it is the job of the educator to make sure the courses further the project work. To make sure this happens, you can plan study activities that reflect these ways of learning. As an educator, you have many options to implement the use of PBL in your classes, and digital Learning Technologies can be helpful in this regard. 

We at CDUL have created this page for you, the educators, which may inspire you to use study activities that further the synergy between your course and the students’ projects.