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On this page you can read more about how to get started on using peer-feedback in your teaching.


On this page you can read more about how to get started on using peer-feedback in your teaching.

By using peer-feedback in your teaching you are providing your students with the opportunity to reflect on their own, and their peers, learning. There are many opportunities where the students can provide each other with feedback – it can be verbally, but you might also take advantage of the discussion forum function in Moodle, where the students can make small entries providing each other with feedback. You can have them provide feedback in relation to a text, an assignment or something else entirely. The provision of feedback holds many advantages – it is not necessarily what product they are providing feedback for, that matters, but the process of both receiving and providing it, that benefits the students’ ability to think critically and consider new perspectives they can use in their assignment or other related tasks. Feedback is especially advantageous when it happens gradually during the progression of the course work, as opposed to just evaluating a finished product. If you need more inspiration in regard to peer feedback you can read this article

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